Soulful Services & Classes

Soulful Support Work & Services

Soulful Support Work & Services are offered by Christine in the North and South of Adelaide. Services include your choose of Soulful Mindfulness Activities, Soulful Cooking, Soulful Well-being, Soulful Self care, or Soulful Community Group. Personal Service agreement included. 

Contact me for more information.

Price: From $60.00

Soulful support work & services

Soulful Intuitive Medium Consultation

Book an online Intuitive Medium Consultation with Christine. Includes messages from loved ones, psychic guidance and support.

Price: $100.00

Soulful Intuitive Medium Consultation

Soulful Energy Healing

Christine offers a 1 hour consultation with channeled healing, psychic, medium messages.

Includes a copy of the Soulful Spiritual or Healing Guidebook. 

Price: $100.00

Soulful Energy Healing

Family Constellation

Purchase an online Family Constellation session with Tracy Parker.

A New Way Forward. Finding a place for trauma within the family system.  Trauma can be passed down from generations past, or can keep being played out through lifetimes until it has been acknowledged.  This creates a disconnection from self and owning your own truths. FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS acknowledges what has been, and finds a place for it. This is a journey to finding you and creating wholeness. 

Price: $100.00

Family Constellation

Soulful  Retreats for Women

Christine offers Soulful Retreats at Beachside locations in South Australia. Relax and recharge Your Mind Body & Soul with guided meditations, group healings, Oracle card readings, massages, mindfulness techniques, Soulful Spiritual Guide Book.

Price: From $250.00 per person

Keep an eye on our socials for the next one coming up, or contact me if you would like to get your own group together.

Soulful Retreats

Soulful  Retreats for Youth

In 2022, Donna Nairn and I are offering Soulful Retreats for Youth where we will spend an evening in nature. Learning positive mindful techniques and self care skills to help young people connect with their true self. Suitable for ages 12 – 25 years old.

Price: From $150.00 per person

Keep an eye on our socials for the next one coming up, or contact me if you would like to get your own group together.

Soulful Retreat for Youth

Soulful Psychic Counselling

Christine offers a 1 hour Psychic Counselling Consultations with Intuitive Messages, Therapeutic Soul Work, and an Oracle or Tarot Reading.

Price: $60.00

Soulful Psychic Counselling

Soulful Counselling

Christine is now offering an online counselling service to support you with any issue or area in your life.

Price: $60.00

Soulful Counselling
Soul Connection logo

Soulful Connection

Address: PO Box 541, Hove, SA 5048


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